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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

You know you grew up Jewish when

You know you grew up Jewish when...

* You spent your entire childhood thinking that everyone calls roast beef brisket".
* Your family dog responds to complaints uttered in Yiddish.
* Every Sunday afternoon of your childhood was spent visiting your grandparents.
* You were as tall as your grandmother by the age of seven.
* You never knew anyone who's last name didn't end in one of 5 standard suffixes.
* You can look at gefilte fish and not turn green.
* Your mother smacked you really hard and continues to make you feel badly for hurting her hand.
* You can understand Yiddish but you can't speak it.
* You know how to pronounce numerous Yiddish words and use them correctly in context, yet you don't exactly know what they mean. Kenahurra.
* You have at least one ancestor who is related to your spouse's ancestor.
* You grew up thinking it's normal for someone to shout, "Are you okay? Are you okay?" through the bathroom door if you're in there for longer than 3 minutes.
* You have at least six male relatives named David.
* You feel a sense of pride after seeing a Stephen Spielberg movie.
* You thought that speaking loud was normal.

Read all jokes from:Jewish (+6996)
