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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

You know no one loves you if...

- The pet cat got better food than you did.

- Your parents told you about strange men giving away sweets and to go and find as many of them as possible.

- You play "hide & seek" with your Mother and she hides in another town.

- Your parents take you to an orphanage and tell you to mingle.

- Your parents told you about the magic money box in the cupboard where you can hide your pocket money, and - you've since found out it was the coin-op electric meter.

- You had to share your sandbox with the cat.

- You always got your weekly allowance in Traveler's Checks.

- Your folks threw a "going-into-the-Army" party when you were only three years old.

- You run away, and the family can't give the Police an accurate description.

- You kept getting left beside the monkey enclosure at the zoo.

- You were always stood-up at the Father-Son banquet held at the local Church.

- Kidnappers send back a piece of your ear and your parents demand more proof before they pay any ransom.

- When you were born, your Father gave out old cigar butts.

- Your parents encourage you to fish in shark infested waters.

- As a baby, your Father threw you in the air and walked away.

- You find out your Mother is nursing another baby on the side.

- Your tub toys included a toaster shaped like a rubber duck.

Read all jokes from:Family (+438)
