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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Yiddish Rhyming Slang * Hansel &

Yiddish Rhyming Slang

* Hansel & Gretel -Shtetl
* Holiday brochure -Kosher
* Doris Day -Oi Vey
* Bottle of booze -Schmooze
* Monkey wrench -Mensch
* Betty Boop -Chicken Soup
* The Price Is Right -Gesundheit
* Jonny Depp -Schlepp
* Michael Winner -Shabbes Dinner
* Hammer House of Horror -Schnorrer
* The Real Deal -Shlemiel
* Foot Spa -Chutzpa
* Fancy Dress -Fress
* Guy The Gorilla -Megilla
* Soup ladel -Kneidel
* Fillet Of Fish -Nebbish
* London Zoo -Nu?
* Religious Cult -Oi Gevalt
* Poetry Recital -Sheitel
* Kenwood Mixer -Shiksa
* Stir Fried Noodles -Apple Strudels

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