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Saturday, October 15, 2011

The fishing trip

Lionel, Benny, Max and Hyman are out fishing early one Sunday morning. After an hour of fishing, Lionel suddenly breaks the silence and says, "You three have no idea what I had to do before I could come out fishing today. I had to promise my Rivkah that I would decorate our bedroom next Sunday."
"Thats nothing," says Benny, "I had to promise my Leah that I would build her a new terrace by the swimming pool."
"Well," says Max, "you both had it easy. I had to promise my Sharon that I would completely refit our kitchen with new mahogany cupboards and the latest state of the art equipment."
But Hyman has not said a word so they ask him what he did to come out fishing. Hyman replies, "I just set my alarm for 5.30 am. When it went off, I gave my Faye a firm nudge and said, 'Fishing or Sex?' She replied, "Don't forget your sweater."

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