Are You Bored? Clik Any Picture For the Best Entertainment

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Bassoon: a bedpost with a bad case of gas.

Beat: what music students do to each other with their instruments.

Concert: a place where people go to cough and sneeze.

Conductor: Someone who is able to follow many people at once.

Counterpoint: a favorite device of many Baroque composers, all of whom are dead, though no direct connection between these two facts has been established.

Cut time: when everyone else is playing twice as fast as you are.

Drummer: someone who hangs around with musicians.

Fermata: a brand of girdle made especially for opera singers.

Half step: two piccolos playing in unison.

Male quartet: three men and a tenor.

Oboe: an ill wind that nobody blows good.

Octave: an interval having eight diatonic steps or twelve chromatic steps (fifteen when sung by a tenor).

Phrase: What teaching music does to your nerves.

Pitch: a tossing motion frequently used by band students to hand in music.

Trombone: A slide whistle with delusions of grandeur!

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