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Saturday, September 17, 2011


The other day some friends and I were discussing one of the few recurrent philosohical topics that come up in our conversations: society as a whole. It was taking its usual course; one of my friends insisted that society was going to hell, the other was somewhat neutral, and I thought that people were becoming more tolerating of differences.

My first friend announced (again) that society was on a steady down-hill road. "Everyone today," she said, "Is messed up in the mind, a druggie, or a nymphomaniac."

My other friend laughed and nodded. Never having heard the word before, I puzzled over what 'nymphomaniac' could mean.

Trying not to sound stupid, I swallowed my pride and asked, "What's that?"

"A girl who's obsessed with sex," explained my second friend.

I paused for a moment, thinking. "Then what," I asked, "Is a guy obsessed with sex?"

My first friend had an answer immediately, "Normal!"

Read all jokes from:Men vs. Women (+5691)
