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Friday, September 23, 2011

Five positive reasons to celebrate Passover

Five positive reasons to celebrate Passover

* You will get to drink a lot of alcohol: You'll have everyone's total permission to drink four glasses of wine and there could even be 5th glass for you if Elijah doesn't turn up.
* You can save money: I'm almost certain that you haven't given thought to eating last year's unused matzo. But if you do, you can save money by using it. And it won't even taste any different!
* You can get to sing with a loud and clear voice: Did you know that marror is a far better treatment for blocked sinuses than any medicine you can buy in the chemist. So enjoy the marror and later on you can sing Chad Gadya with a voice like an angel!
* You can earn extra money: The extra cash you can get from selling your chometz will comes in handy after the Spring bank holiday.
* You will save on toilet paper: Just think of all the toilet paper you will be able to save by eating matzo for a whole week!

marror: bitter herb, usually grated horseradish
chad gadya: a Passover song
chometz: bread to be removed from the house prior to Passover

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