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Thursday, July 28, 2011

walking up the steps

reuven shimon & levi went touring in nyc on vacation. they stayed on the 60th floor of a large apartment building.
before they went out touring, reuven gave the key to their room to levi to hold, saying that he may lose it. levi also feared losing it, so he gave it to the attendant of the building to hold for them.
one night, upon arriving home very late, the attendant of the apartment building said that the elevator is broken. they'd have to walk up 60 flights to their room. they decided that to pass time, reuven will sing the first 20 flights, shimon will tell funny stories for the next 20 flights, & levi will tell sad stories for the last 20 flights.
as they were huffing & puffing through the 1st 20 flights, reuven was singing. when they finally reached the 20th flight, shimon had them rolling with laughter from his funny stories. at the 40th flight, when they felt as if they were about to drop dead, reuven turned to levi and said your turn to tell us sad stories. levi looked up & said i can only think of 1 sad story-we left the key at the bottom!

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