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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Redneck Inventor's Club

Picture yourself in the middle of the Boonies with no water. What do you do? You reach in your back pocket and pull out a packet of powdered water. Yes, powdered water. Just add water and your powdered water becomes crystal clear drinking water. Only $29.95. Makes a great gift.
What if one night the power in your hose goes off and there is no light at all. You stumble around looking for a flashlight and when you finally find one there's no batteries. What do you do? Throw that flashlight away and buy yourself one of our very own solar powered flashlights. No batteries required, works great! Only $56.69. Everybody should own one.
Do you like canoeing? I know I do, but sometimes I just wish I could go a little faster. Well now I can. Thanks to Ric, my canoe has speed holes in it adn I go a lot faster. Only $3.25 per hole. Thanks Ric.
Let me tell you a story, one day I was flying my helicopter and my stablizer went out. I tried to gain control of it but I was going down too fast. Now in any other helicopter you would crash, but not mine. Thanks to Ric, I bought my helicopter with an ejection seat so before I crashed I just pushed a button and up I flew. Only $2,129.99.
Do you like to spy on your neighbors? Shame on you. But if you do, you can't afford to pass-off this offer. Why for only $45.99 you can own a window with a built in peep hole. This way you can see them, but they can't see you.

Read all jokes from:Redneck (+1459)
