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Friday, July 29, 2011

A good wife

Sam is enjoying his 80th birthday party with family and friends. Even Rabbi Landau is present. Sam is so happy that he decides now is the time to let out his secret and to everybody's surprise, announces his forthcoming marriage to 50-year-old Hetty.
Everyone comes up to wish them mazel tov — and to exchange all the old jokes
"Sam, where will you both live?"
"We'll be looking for a house near a school."
"Sam, did you know that lovemaking is dangerous for the elderly?"
"Yes, but I hope Hetty will survive it."
Later, Rabbi Landau takes Sam aside and says, "Don't be offended, but I must ask you a few questions. Do you really love Hetty?"
"To tell you the truth, Rabbi, I'm not sure," Sam replies.
"Well, is she a good cook? Is her chicken soup special?" asks Rabbi Landau.
"I'm not sure, I've never seen her in the kitchen, Rabbi," Sam replies.
"Is Hetty rich?" he asks.
"I'm not sure about her finances, we've never discussed money," replies Sam.
"So, she must be... good in bed. Is that so?" asks Rabbi Landau, timidly.
"I've no idea at all Rabbi, how does one tell before marriage?" answers Sam.
"But if you don't know whether you love her, if you're not sure whether she's a good cook, if you don't know whether she's rich and if you've never made love to her, why on earth do you want to marry her?" asks Rabbi Landau.
"She can drive at night," replies Sam.

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