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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Vacation itinerary


6:00 am: Get up early. Shower, shave, dance naked with the curtains open.

6:15 am: Put on my really cool, plaid, wrinkle-free suit. Hide the bodies and wipe off any possible finger prints.

6:30 am: Eat a half-rack of spare ribs and chug a pint of day old Yoo-Hoo. Lock the dog in a small, unlit closet with no food or water.

6:45 am: Leave a dead fish in the mailbox. Depart for the airport.

7:30 am: Check my bags. Chain smoke in the airport lavatory.

8:00 am: Board the plane. Scare the guy sitting next to me by stuffing my hands into my pants and yelling "down boy!"

8:15 am: Collect everyone's airsick bags and weave them into a sexy nightie. Buzz the flight attendant and offer her a can of cocktail weenies.

8:30 am: Take off for Disneyland.

9:00 am: Use my laptop to send "messages from space" to the cockpit. Scream "There's a man on the wing of this plane!" over and over until someone gives me a Valium.

9:05 am: Sleep, perchance to dream.

7:00 pm: Land at LAX Leave a special "ticking package" in the airplane lavatory.

7:15 pm: Be the first one off the plane by declaring that the kidney in my carry on bag must be delivered by sundown.

7:25 pm: While exiting the plane, announce to the folks waiting to transfer "Damn that captain can put away some tequila!"

7:30 pm: Club an airport employee and steal his golf cart. Claim someone else's luggage.

7:45 pm: Hail a cab. When the driver says "Where to?", wink and ask to go back to his place.

7:50 pm: Get some ice for my head wound. Walk to the hotel.

8:30 pm: Check in at the hotel. Go to the hotel bar and stuff beer nuts into my nose until asked to leave.

8:45 pm: Strip down to my dainty underthings and hang out in the lobby. Beg for change in the lobby until asked to leave.

9:00 pm: Pee in the fountain. Proposition the bell hops. Go to my room.

9:15 pm: Unpack.

9:30 pm: Toss the TV over the balcony. 10 pts if it lands in the pool. 50 pts if I kill a pedestrian. 100 pts if I kill a swimming pedestrian.

9:45 pm: Sing to my toothbrush. Cut eye holes in the bed linens and "haunt" the adjoining guest rooms.

9:50 pm: Use C4 and fishing line to set trip wires for the maid.

10:00 pm: Put on my golf shoes and very little else. Find the roughest cowboy bar in town.

10:30 pm: Drink a shot of Jagermeister for every letter of the Chinese alphabet. Walk from person to person in the bar, point to someone else and say: "You gonna let him talk about your mom like that?"

10:35 pm: Leave quickly and quietly.

11:00 pm: Return to the hotel. Call room service and order poached eggs for everyone on my floor.

11:15 pm: Hide in the hallway and taunt passers by with my anatomically correct sock puppets.

11:30 pm: Do unspeakable things to myself with a hand mixer until the wee hours of the morning.

3:00 am: Sleep...for tomorrow is another day.

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