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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Jazz Meets Classical

An orchestra was rehearsing a contemporary symphony in which there was a particularly difficult jazz trumpet riff. However, none of the trumpet players could play it. One trumpet player suggests they hire in a jazz trumpeter. The conductor screams, "NO, NO, NO!! Jazz musicians are irresponsible, can't play in tune, and are not real musicians!!" Finally, they talk him into it.

The next night at 7:57 (for an 8:00 rehearsal) the jazz musician shows up carrying his trumpet in a paper bag. The conductor decides to wait until after to yell at him. But the jazz-man plays the riff perfectly the first time. The conductor tries to thank him after rehearsal, but the cat is gone.

The next couple of rehearsals go pretty much the same way, with the cat actually playing the entire first trumpet part - perfectly.

Finally, the conductor grabs him after rehearsal and says, "You know, at first I didn't want to hire you because I thought jazz musicians were irresponsible and couldn't play in tune, but I must say you have changed my mind. Thank you."

The jazz-man says, "Well, cat, I figure it's the least I could do since I can't make the gig."

Read all jokes from:Music (+2467)
