Are You Bored? Clik Any Picture For the Best Entertainment

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Relationship with Your Significant Other Is Over When...

* She puts your dinner on the floor in the Rover Dish.

* The milkman is wearing your bathrobe.

* You get a ticket for the Jerry Springer Show.

* She starts every sentence with the words... "To whom it may concern."

* Your mail comes addressed to "Current Resident."

* The local mortician starts measuring you for a new suit.

* Her mother looks at you and starts laughing.

* You are urged to stir your coffee "very well," before drinking it.

* Your favorite easy chair is plugged into the wall outlet.

* All of your shirts have a target painted on them.

* People are referring to her as the "widow."

* You come home and all that is left of the house is the foundation.

* Your name is Fred and a new tattoo just below her navel reads... "Joe's Place."

Read all jokes from:Men vs. Women (+5689)
