A blond decides to go ice fishing, so she packs up all her gear, a blanket, a picnic, wine and her ice fishing gear She sits down on the ice, enjoys her picnic, has some wine and decides to cut the hole in the ice so she can fish.
Suddenly a voice comes out of nowhere and says, "There are no fish under the ice there."
She looks around, shrugs, picks up her blanket and all her gear and moves down the ice a little further. She spreads the blanket, takes out her picnic gear and has some more to eat and drink. After a bit she decides to cut a hole in the ice to fish and again the voice comes out of the air. "There are no fish under the ice there."
She moves her blanket and gear on down the ice and gets comfortable but this time goes right to cutting the hole in the ice. Again the voice comes out of the air. "There are no fish under the ice there."
She looks around and not seeing anyone asks out loud, "Are you God? Who are you?"
And the voice replies, "The Rink Manager."
Read all jokes from:Blonde (+4664)
Friday, January 27, 2012
Ice fishing
6:00 PM