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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Facelift

Becky goes to see the doctor about getting a facelift. "OK," says the doctor. "I can do the facelift but you'll have to come back again in 6 months for a follow-up." "Oh no," says Becky, I vant it done all at vonce mitout hafing to come back!"
The doctor thinks for a moment and says, "We do have a new procedure that doesn't require your coming back." "Vot is it," she asks. "Well," says the doctor, we insert a small screw into the top of your head. Then anytime you see wrinkles appear, you give it a small turn and the wrinkles disappear." "Vondeful," says Becky. "Let's do that!"
Six months later, Becky comes charging into the doctor's office. "Well," says the doctor. "How's the procedure working?" "Terrible," yells Becky. "It's the biggest mistake I ever made! Just look at these bags under my eyes!"
"Becky," the doctor answers. "Those aren't bags! They're your breasts! And if you don't stop turning that screw so much, you're going to have a beard!"

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