Helpful Hints for the Inexperienced Traveler:
- Be very suspicious if the advertised price of a Caribbean cruise includes the phrase "Free Ammo."
- Consider carefully before visiting a country where the license plate motto is Die American Pig.
* There is no legitimate reason for a travel agent to need to know if you have experience in jungle warfare.
* If you find yourself in Iran, do not use the word blanket head.
* On a trip to Canada, your travel agent should not charge you for an interpreter.
* While in the Vatican, do not refer to St. Peter as "Petey-Boy."
* Do not board a cruise ship if passengers are being issued oars.
* Avoid any Latin American Tour named Bay of Pigs, Two.
* In South America, say no to anyone wanting you to deliver a suitcase of powdered sugar to their grandmother in Miami.
* Legitimate travel agents do not dress in foreign military uniforms.
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Saturday, December 24, 2011
Travel tips
1:00 AM