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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

MS Word Games

These are little "tricks" with words and phrases that you can play with MS Word or MS Works. One word of caution though, don't try these when you're in the process of drinking something.

Trick One (from Norb Link)

1. Open a new document
2. Type the phrase "unable to follow directions"
3. Highlight the whole phrase
4. Go into "Tools" and click on Thesaurus
5. Laugh

Trick Two (from Shawn Rung)

1. Open a new document
2. Type "zzzz"
3. Highlight what you typed previously
4. Check the spelling in the dictionary
5. Laugh

Trick Three (from Rene Schweitzer)

1. Open a new document
2. Type the phrase "I'd like to see Bill Gates dead"
3. Select the entire phrase
4. Go to Tools and click on Thesaurus
5. Laugh

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