Lionel from London is taking his University gap year in America and he's visiting as many places there as he can. But whilst spending some time in Oklahoma, he meets and falls deeply in love with a Cherokee girl. Not long after, they decide to get married and Lionel rings his mother to tell her the good news.
"Mum, I've found my future wife and we're getting married over here. I'm going to send you the air tickets to join us."
"Mazeltov Lionel," his mother says. "I'm so pleased, but is she... ... . Jewish?"
"No mum," Lionel replies, "she's not. But she promises to act as a Jewish wife."
"Oy," his mother wails, "I've always wanted you to marry a lovely Jewish girl."
"You can't have everything mum," Lionel says. "And another thing I must tell you. She lives on a reservation and that's where we'll be living after we marry."
"I can't take any more of this," cries his mother, "I don't want the tickets and I don't want to speak to you again." And with that she slams down the phone.
Almost a year later, Lionel rings his mother and tells her that they are expecting a baby. His mother doesn't slam down the phone but says, very politely and unemotionally, "That's nice, son, I'm happy for you both."
Eight months later, Lionel again rings his mother and says, "Mum, I just want to say that last night my wife gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby boy. I also want you to know that we've agreed to give our son a Jewish name."
Upon hearing this unexpected news, his mother shouts out with happiness. "Oh Lionel, bubbeleh, this is wonderful news," she cries, "Ive been waiting for this moment all my life. You've both made me more happy than you could ever know."
"Thats fantastic, mum," replies Lionel. "I'm so glad that you and I are back together as mother and son."
"And what," asks his proud and happy mother, "is my lovely grandson's name going to be?"
Lionel replies, proudly, "Smoked Whitefish."
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Tuesday, December 27, 2011
The marriage
7:00 AM