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Friday, April 1, 2011

The Top 10 Good Error Messages On Computer You Just Bought

1. "That URL was not found because frankly, I didn' try hard enough."

2. "If you continue to type that way, you'll get Carpal Tunnel Syndrome."

3. "The Server is not really down, its just mildly depressed."

4. "Normally, I would complain but I'll let that rough disk insertion slide this time."

5. "Don't worry, I'll clean up that beer stain."

6. "Its not a virus...its a STD(System Transmitted Disease)."

7. "Remember Einstein, its point then click, point then click."

8. "That General Protection Fault is not yours."

9. "You're using MS Word 5.0 and that's a weenie version so why don't I upgrade you for free?"

10. "I hate to tell you this but you have already seen that version of the Pamela Anderson video... may I suggest another?"

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